Featuring dshPls
An Evoker for over three years, James Merrill has seen the ups and the downs of being in our prestigious group. Over the years, he has consistently produced...
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Mixtape 52 images  |  9 photos  |  7 songs
Staff Comments Matt Dobson
MIXTAPE is an audio centered release, where our members have used their artistic mediums to show what music means to them, and how it affects their lives. Similar to how a mixtape contains all your favourite tracks, this exhibition has us extrapolating our most loved aspects of music and art into our own work. Some notable work includes James Merril's powerful abstract work, along with some great collaborations by Brandon Wagner and Vera Oostrhof, as well as Igor Scekic and Sander Rietdijk. Don't forget some great audio work by our new musician Keith Alban!

We hope you enjoy what is the culmination of months of creativity and hard work!
  • Featured Track
  • Get your freak on (BrainStorm Bounce RMX)
  • by Keith Alban
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