Artist Interviews
- XXXI Gabriel Simonds
- XXX Vigan Tafili
- XXIX Parker Gibson
- XXVIII Courtney Wooster
- XXVII Brandon Spahn
- XXVI ricardo juarez
- XXV Daniel Kong
- XXIV Willis Kingery

Support Evoke
The Interview
MiG-Quadra aka Mike, Featured Artist for Tremulant
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:05 PM) : yo, MiG, are you online? (this is RP from e1)MiG (Mike) (04:06 PM) : hi mate! glad to see ya! =) i`m working right now (awww it`s 0:09 am here) how are you?
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:07 PM) : good, just wonderin if you have some time to do that interview for e1
MiG (Mike) (04:08 PM) : well, i`ll try. but sorry me for my english and i`m a little bit sleepy right now =) anyway i`m ready =)
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:08 PM) : okay good, one sec
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:09 PM) : Alright, to start off with, tell me some stuff about you, your name, where you live, what you like to do...
MiG (Mike) (04:12 PM) : Well, my name is Michail, i`m 17, Moscow. My hobby is design, good and rare electronic music and photography. For almost year now i`m working in one design company, and for now i can say that i`m ready to connect (err...forgot the word) my life with design and art
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:13 PM) : That's cool, so do you plan to work with graphic design as a job or is it just a hobby for now?
MiG (Mike) (04:14 PM) : as job i think. It`s easy for me, it gives me pleasure, money. So why not? =)
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:14 PM) : yeah, I know what you mean, if it's fun you should go for it
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:15 PM) : So how long have you been into computer art, photography, etc?
MiG (Mike) (04:18 PM) : All this stuff started about 5 year ago when i started eJay for the first time... After that I decided to try 3dsmax. This was just "boom". For 2 months i used computer only for it. Another half of year passed and i found da, with abstract category of it. The rest of my way i think everybody passed already =)
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:19 PM) : Awesome, yes DA is quite a good way to start out.
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:19 PM) : What would you say is the inspiration for your work?
MiG (Mike) (04:21 PM) : generaly it`s music. if i just listened for some hardcore or dnb - i
MiG (Mike)ht create something aggressive, if ambient/lo-fi/jazz -something relaxing. Sometimes i just opening PS and let my mind go
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:22 PM) : You say you just let your mind go in PS, do you tend to plan pieces in advance (like sketch them out, have a definite concept) or do you just sit down and let it flow when you work?
MiG (Mike) (04:25 PM) : this is main problem of commercial work, you know. People looking from you some thing particularly. So sometimes, yes, i prefer to do some sketches, than to do minor correction, which client want, again and again.
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:26 PM) : And what programs do you usually use to do this work?
MiG (Mike) (04:29 PM) : For graphics: Adobe Creative Suit 2, Autodesk 3dsmax 8, Corel Draw 12. For sound: FruityLoops 5.0.2 with bunch of plugins For photo: Canon EOS 350D =)
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:30 PM) : You've been mentioning music a lot, when did you start becoming interested in music as a producer?
MiG (Mike) (04:32 PM) : As I said above - eJay =) I like to create by nature. So, i create everywhere and everything i can =) Producing of sound was just matter of time... Me and friends of mine wants to make some film about teenagers. But it`s absolutely different story.
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:35 PM) : so you are into video editing as well then?
MiG (Mike) (04:36 PM) : soon i hope =) it isn`t seriously - i just wanna try.
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:36 PM) : that's good, always a good idea to try new things
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:36 PM) : but back on the subject of music, what types do you like?
MiG (Mike) (04:37 PM) : -progressive/dream/hard/psy trance -jump/noise/industrial/UK core -drumandbass(*tech/hard/2step) -ambient -lo-fi -lounge -breakbeat -experimental -electronic -reggae -dub -alternative
MiG (Mike) (04:37 PM) : =)
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:37 PM) : good stuff, very good
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:37 PM) : anyway we better wrap this up soon, so I'll ask you a few more questions
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:38 PM) : when it comes to art, what is your favorite type? traditional art? painting? sculpture? computer graphic design? abstract? vector?
MiG (Mike) (04:41 PM) : I dont really like traditional art (except Dali) b coz i prefer perfect rounds, digital shapes, and modern art as well. Nowadays my favorite type - vector abstract. Very uncommon type that`s what i like in it =)
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:42 PM) : yeah, who doesn't like vector?
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:42 PM) : anyway, how do you feel being the chosen artist for tremulant?
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:43 PM) : you certainly deserved it for your artistic and musical dedication to the group
MiG (Mike) (04:44 PM) : I really glad that i can do something for such friendly community and this is another good expirience for me. To practice my skills and language
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:44 PM) : well, we are certainly glad to have you as part of the group
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:44 PM) : and now a hard question
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:45 PM) : hehe
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:45 PM) : if you could give one bit of advice to the art community as a whole, what would you tell them?
MiG (Mike) (04:48 PM) : hohoho =) everybody wants to know the secret right? =) well i think community (no matter art, social etc) must be actual, perspective and active. Art community must see tendencies of evolution on art.
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:49 PM) : so basically you're saying people must learn from each other?
MiG (Mike) (04:51 PM) : of course it is the main principle of community
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:52 PM) : excellent man, glad to talk with you and congratulations once again on being featured artist for Tremulant
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:52 PM) : we hope to see you stay as an active member of the group
Revenant Prime (Ted) (04:52 PM) : thanks
MiG (Mike) (04:52 PM) : Any time bro =)
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