Artist Interviews
- XXXI Gabriel Simonds
- XXX Vigan Tafili
- XXIX Parker Gibson
- XXVIII Courtney Wooster
- XXVII Brandon Spahn
- XXVI ricardo juarez
- XXV Daniel Kong
- XXIV Willis Kingery

Support Evoke
The Interview
Ted (Revenant Prime): hey manMatthew (Zeal): hlo
Ted (Revenant Prime): So, you ready to do this interview?
Matthew (Zeal): yeh
Matthew (Zeal): think so
Ted (Revenant Prime): Ok, give me a sec
Ted (Revenant Prime): Okay
Matthew (Zeal): rite
Ted (Revenant Prime): Alright to get started, tell us a bit about yourself, your name, where you're from, your hobbies…
Matthew (Zeal): Right, Ok, Well my name is Matthew Dobson, I live in Manchester, England and my favourite hobbies contain Tennis, Football (soccer) and Music
Ted (Revenant Prime): Ahh, that's cool, I see that you have interests outside of computer art
Ted (Revenant Prime): But concerning computer graphics
Ted (Revenant Prime): How do you feel being the featured artist for the second EvokeONE pack?
Matthew (Zeal): How did I know that one would come up?? Well, kinda shocked, I only joined like a week before the pack 2 release and only by luck at that, kinda proud of it though because there are some artists I consider highly there
Matthew (Zeal): who I thought should have been featured
Ted (Revenant Prime): heh yes I can imagine you knew that question was coming
Ted (Revenant Prime): So I presume you think highly of EvokeONE and its members then?
Matthew (Zeal): Well yeh, and the general group is going to get better!! as the members' skills increase
Ted (Revenant Prime): Exactly, we want to be the best art group around. I already see a big improvement in the submissions for the 3rd pack.
Ted (Revenant Prime): Of course that could be due to our complaining about some of the submissions ;)
Ted (Revenant Prime): Anyway
Ted (Revenant Prime): How long have you been into abstract graphics? 1 year? 2 years?
Matthew (Zeal): 1 year almost exactly
Ted (Revenant Prime): Wow, for only one year your work is quite impressive.
Ted (Revenant Prime): Why exactly did you begin to do graphics a year ago?
Ted (Revenant Prime): Was it because of a friend or what?
Matthew (Zeal): Yeh, it was because my mate was sort of getting bored talking to himself on his forums so he made me start doing graphics stuff on the computer, so he had someone to talk to
Ted (Revenant Prime): I see, well you certainly have come a long way since then. I kind of began for the same reason but that's another story.
Ted (Revenant Prime): I take it that computer graphics is just a hobby for you then
Ted (Revenant Prime): You don't plan to go pro or anything do you?
Matthew (Zeal): Hell no, I don't have the attention span, trust me
Ted (Revenant Prime): Hahaha, yeah I've learned that myself in the few professional jobs I've done so far
Ted (Revenant Prime): So I imagine you work in short segments then?
Ted (Revenant Prime): Rather than just sitting down and working from start to finish on a piece
Matthew (Zeal): yeh, about 20 mins whenever the mood swings me
Ted (Revenant Prime): I see, so can you explain how you work a bit? Do you have a definite concept in mind when you begin, do you draw things out before you work on them, or do you just sit down and let it flow so to speak?
Matthew (Zeal): Well, I usually fuck about until I get something I like, but for a few pieces I've tried to get the desired effect that I came up with at the start.
Ted (Revenant Prime): Do you title a piece before you start on it or when you finish?
Matthew (Zeal): finish
Ted (Revenant Prime): That actually tells a lot about how someone works I've found
Ted (Revenant Prime): Yeah same here, I can't title something until I see what it looks like
Ted (Revenant Prime): So is abstract graphics your only area of expertise in computer graphics or do you do other things (ie motion graphics, film, character animation)?
Matthew (Zeal): I do a bit of photography, but that is about it apart from abstract
Ted (Revenant Prime): So you're a digital abstract guy, that's cool. Ever try traditional art?
Matthew (Zeal): yeh, and I can sketch quite well but paint, uhm no, I'm awful at that, really awful
Ted (Revenant Prime): Don't worry the last time I showed a painting of mine in public there were no survivors.
Ted (Revenant Prime): I noticed that you mentioned music before. What exactly about music are you into?
Ted (Revenant Prime): Composing or just listening?
Ted (Revenant Prime): Do you play any instruments?
Matthew (Zeal): Well I listen casually to rock music, from indie to quite hardcore, and I also play the piano and guitar, for which I've made a few shit guitar riffs
Ted (Revenant Prime): Piano? Sweet I play that too.
Ted (Revenant Prime): So it seems like you are quite a multi-talented member of the group.
Ted (Revenant Prime): Now for a hard question, take your time to think if you need to.
Matthew (Zeal): oh god
Ted (Revenant Prime): muahaha
Ted (Revenant Prime): Sorry, here we go:
Ted (Revenant Prime): If you could give one bit of advice to the community about how to improve their art, based on the way you work, what would it be?
Matthew (Zeal): Basically, don't give a shit about what people say about what you make, if YOU like what you've made then its good, and that’s all that matters.
Ted (Revenant Prime): I agree with you completely man.
Ted (Revenant Prime): Anyway I think that sums things up, congrats on being the featured artist.
Ted (Revenant Prime): Good to talk to you.
Matthew (Zeal): thanks Ted ;)
Ted (Revenant Prime): No problem.
Ted (Revenant Prime): Later
Matthew (Zeal): rite c ya